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    Journey of the Heart

    Please join me in this journey as I embrace the path that is unfolding in front of me.

    Embracing a Newer Version of You

    As a new year approaches, I find it worthwhile to acknowledge all the items of personal and professional growth that have occurred during the past year.

    I know that I am not in the same mindset as I was at the beginning of January. I recognize that I am in a different headspace and have moved forward into a newer version of me.

    When this and other newer versions of me happen, I sometimes find that those who have known me a long time, may still think of me as my older versions that may go back years and years and years. I don’t bother to correct them but instead ponder to myself about why people sometimes have a hard time with change and self-growth.

    I salute those around me who have also done the work to grow to a new personal and/or professional level. It takes patience, perseverance, a sense of humor, and moving out of your comfort zone(s).

    As I grow older and wiser, the more I know that ultimately the only one whose growth I have control over is me. At times, support from others is helpful. But….It is up to me to take the action necessary to move forward.

    A smart thing for me, and anyone really, to do, is to notice when you have outgrown certain people and situations. To be able to notice, pay attention to the balance of giving and receiving that occurs over time in your relationships/situations. A balance of equal giving and receiving is essential for a healthy relationship. It is important to learn to say no/set boundaries if you start to recognize that there is an imbalance of you giving but not receiving going on. When this imbalance happens on the regular, it’s time to move on. Never be unkind, but leave what’s been outgrown and begin to move forward into a space and place that suits the newer version of you.

    You cannot make others like or love you if they don’t. Why would you even want to? You can always choose to be respectful to others even when they choose not to be the same. But to hang around them? No.

    You can love yourself and love those who love you back. You can be strong and steady as you move through life. You can make use of every opportunity to be a beacon of light and love. You can be happy with your life even in the hardest moments.

    I choose to embrace those in my sphere who I love and who love and embrace me back, as we continue in our work to better ourselves and embrace our ever newer versions of self.

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