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    Journey of the Heart

    Please join me in this journey as I embrace the path that is unfolding in front of me.

    Embracing Patience (or at least being okay with it)

    Patience. Just writing or saying the word conjures up visions of waiting and enduring. But….come to think of it….patience also allows for hope and visions of what’s to come, for events occurring and unfolding in a way that’s even better than could ever be imagined.

    I’m in the ending of a holding pattern and the start of a new beginning. The new beginning requires patience to birth it.

    Patience is an attribute I always seem to be working on. I have lots of patience with others, not so much with myself. I can still get frustrated when things aren’t going the way I think they should or when they should.

    I’ve had to practice zoning in on what I want to occur and then just letting it go. To not be attached to the outcome. To let the event occur in its own time and place.

    I find that I’m getting used to slowing down and letting events occur as they are meant to happen. Not trying to control things. I’ve seen good outcomes happen enough times when I don’t try to control the situation to know that this is the way to go.

    Mostly my patience training now is with how my life is currently unfolding. I’m doing my best to stay in the here and now and enjoy what each day brings. I’m still focused on what outcomes I want to occur but am allowing whatever happens to happen in its right time. I remember each day to be grateful for what I do have. Whenever I feel impatience coming on, I step into grateful mode and the impatience quickly fades. Easy does and no pressure is what I’m aiming for.

    Embracing patience takes time, trust , and faith and I have all that:)!

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