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    Journey of the Heart

    Please join me in this journey as I embrace the path that is unfolding in front of me.

    Embracing What’s Ahead

    These days I choose to live in the here and now. Sometimes I slip back into a memory, but just for a brief moment. I will also try not to go too far into the future. I do some planning for it but I do not stress the details.

    I’ve learned that the world changes very quickly and the best thing for me to do is to keep learning anew. Sometimes everything old is new again, just repackaged with new language and marketing. Lots is really very new. Being willing to learn the new helps me to embrace rather than fear what’s ahead. Also, re-learning and studying history has helped me to understand the world I live in today and embrace what comes next.

    As I have expressed before, we always have a choice in how we approach life. We make a decision as to how we will live our life. Attitude really makes a difference in how we move forward during the day.

    I choose joy as much as possible. Even in the most difficult moments, if I can choose to take a deep breath, take in my surroundings and find my center with grace and gratitude, the moment(s) will pass through me in a much smoother fashion. Finding joy in the small details surrounding me each day reminds me that to be alive is its own miracle.

    As the days go by, I learn to embrace them and look forward to what’s ahead. It the choice that I’ve made to live life on my terms no matter who or what is swirling around me. I hope you will join me in embracing what’s ahead with joy.

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